Thank you for choosing our practice. We are committed to providing the best treatment for our patients, and our charges reflect what is competitive for our area and reflects the quality of care that is rendered. We will do our best to maximize your insurance benefits. However, you are responsible for the payment regardless of any insurance company’s arbitrary and undefined determination of usual and customary rates.
Insurance coverage varies significantly from company to company, even within the same company according to individual patient plans. Plans may vary as to procedures covered (or excluded), plan deductibles, percentage paid, limits of coverage for office visits, x-rays, anesthesia, and maximum coverage.
Our office, as a courtesy to our patients, will try our best to estimate what your insurance will pay through the use of past treatment estimates provided by your insurance company. We encourage you to contact your insurance to confirm your level of benefits for possible treatment in our office.
However, we do not provide our services on the basis that insurance companies will pay all of our fees. Our office appreciates the frank discussion of services and fees prior to any treatment to avoid misunderstanding.