TMJ (Tempro-Mandibular Joint Dysfunction)

TMJ (Tempro-Mandibular Joint Dysfunction)

Defined, Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD, TMJD) is an umbrella term covering pain and dysfunction of the Muscles of Mastication (the muscles that move the jaw) and the Temporomandibular Joints (the joints which connect the Mandible to the skull).

Are Your Headaches Caused By TMJ Dysfunction?

Headaches are one of the most common symptoms of a TMJ Dysfunction. The reason TMJ headaches often occur in the morning is because of teeth clenching and teeth grinding that occurs while you sleep.

TMJ Headache Symptoms

  • Pain in the Temples or back of the head
  • Pain with chewing
  • Generalized Facial Pain
  • Morning headaches
  • Pain in the shoulders, neck and upper back
  • Migraine and Tension headaches
  • Teeth grinding, teeth clenching
  • Generalized temperature sensitivity of your teeth
  • Sounds in the joint(s) with jaw movement
  • Limited mouth opening

About 25-50% of the adult population, typically between the ages of 20-40, is affected to some degree, but all ages can be affected. TMJ is the second most frequent cause of orofacial pain after dental pain (i.e. toothache).

This translates into millions of Americans every year missing work, making countless visits to the doctor and overspending on pain relievers due to frequent headaches. What many people don’t realize is that some headaches, especially those that occur upon waking are caused by TMJ dysfunctions . These types of headaches are often successfully treated and many times cured by a qualified dentist through simple dental procedures, splint therapy, and use of specific medications.

Occlusal splints (also termed bite plates or intra-oral appliances) are often used by dentists to treat TMD. They are usually made of acrylic with the most effective ones being hard. They can be designed to fit onto the upper teeth or the lower teeth. They may cover all the teeth in one arch (full coverage splint) or only some (partial coverage splint).

Sometimes people are told there’s nothing to do about TMJ – that you just have to live with it – and that’s simply not true.

If you experience frequent headaches, migraines,  or other facial pains you owe it to yourself to set up a consultation with Dr. Chickey so he can help you start living a pain free life again.

Call our office to schedule your next appointment today.

Today is and we have openings available. Call us now for an appointment at: (757) 481-3305.

If you are interested in this service, contact East Coast Center for Cosmetic Dentistry today.

Dr. Stan Chickey

The Top Cosmetic Dentist in Virginia Beach!

Dr. Stanley L. Chickey

East Coast Center for Cosmetic Dentistry 3304 Arctic Avenue Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451   Phone: (757) 481-3305 Fax: (757) 481-7157


Office Hours: Monday–Thursday 9a–5p Emergencies will be attempted to be seen the same day. New patients are always welcome in our office. It is not necessary to have a specific referral to call our office for an appointment.

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